CGPA to Percentage

Online CGPA to Percentage Calculator to Make your Calculations Easy.

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Calculator

CGPA to Percentage Converter

Now easily calculate CGPA to Percentage for all grading systems, 4.0, 5.0, and 10. This calculator is employed to convert CGPA to a percentage and enables one to understand academic performance easily.

To use this, you simply need to enter your CGPA and choose the relevant grading system of your institution. Now click the calculate percentage button to get your score in percentage according to your CGPA. 

CGPA to Percentage`Calculator Online

What is CGPA to Percentage?

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a grading scheme that is used all over the world to calculate the overall academic performance of a candidate while percentage grades are a common method of weighing academic performance.

The CGPA score is changed into a corresponding percentage grade which is found on a defined scale in the process of moving from CGPA to percentage. This scale changes depending on the grading system followed by the institution.

Formula for Conversion

The formula that is used to convert CGPA to percentage depends on the grading system in place. However, a commonly used formula is

Percentage = (CGPA / Total CGPA) * 100


  • Percentage is the equivalent grade
  • CGPA is the Cumulative Grade Point Average.
  • Total CGPA is the achievable CGPA possible in the grading scheme (usually 4.00, 5.00, or 10.00).

CGPA Grading Systems

The traditional 4.0 scale is widely used, some institutions may use different scales, such as a 5.0 scale or even a 10.0 scale. The conversion between these scales can vary, so it’s important to understand the specific scale used by your institution.

4 CGPA Grading System

A CGPA of 4.00 is the possible score in this system.

Example: The corresponding percentage grade is given in the following for a student with a CGPA of 3.50 in a scheme of 4 CGPA.

%age = (3.50 / 4.00) * 100 = 87.5% 

5 CGPA Grading System

The maximum CGPA achievable in this system is 5.

Example: The corresponding percentage grade if a student gets a CGPA of 4.20 in a 5 CGPA scheme is

%age = (4.20 / 5.00) * 100 = 84.0%

10 CGPA Grading System

The possible CGPA that is achievable in this scheme is 10.

Example: If a student gets a CGPA of 8.75. The corresponding percentage grade is

%age = (8.75 / 10.00) * 100 = 87.5%

Wrap Up:

The conversion from CGPA to percentage allows us to describe academic performance across different grading systems. Students can accurately determine their percentage grades based on their CGPA scores by understanding the formula and grading schemes.

Frequently Asked Questions

To convert your CGPA to a percentage at Mumbai University, you can use the equation Percentage (%) = 7.1 times your CGPA plus 11. For example, if your CGPA is 6.2, you would multiply 7.1 by 6.2 and add 11 to get the equivalent percentage, which is 55.02 percent.

At Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), grades are determined through an absolute grading system where marks are converted to specific grades. Each semester’s outcomes are presented alongside the semester grade point average (SGPA) and the cumulative grade point average (CGPA).

The computation for CGPA and SGPA follows these formulas:

  1. CGPA is calculated by dividing the sum of the product of credits (Ci) and corresponding grade points (Si) by the total sum of credits.CGPA = ∑(Ci x Si) / ∑ Ci
  2. SGPA for each semester is determined by dividing the sum of the product of credits (Ci) and corresponding grade points (Gi) by the total sum of credits.SGPA (Si) = ∑(Ci x Gi) / ∑Ci

Nagpur University’s CGPA can be calculated using following formula


To convert your CGPA into a percentage at KTU, simply multiply your CGPA by 9.5.

For the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), the conversion factor from CGPA to percentage is 0.75. To find your equivalent percentage, you multiply your CGPA by this conversion factor.

CBCS stands for Choice Based Credit System. It’s an educational system implemented in many universities and institutions worldwide, including India. In this system, students have the flexibility to choose from a wide range of courses offered by the university, allowing them to tailor their education according to their interests and career goals.

Under CBCS, each course is assigned a certain number of credits based on its workload and importance. Students are required to earn a specific number of credits to successfully complete their degree program. Additionally, CBCS often includes provisions for the recognition of prior learning and allows students to earn credits through various modes such as classroom learning, online courses, internships, and project work.

Calculating the CBCS percentage involves converting the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) obtained under the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) into a percentage using a predetermined conversion formula. The specific formula may vary depending on the institution’s policies.

Here’s a general outline of how the CBCS percentage is typically calculated:

  1. Convert CGPA to Percentage: Use the institution’s specified formula to convert the CGPA into a percentage. For example, if the formula provided is:Percentage (%) = 7.1 * CGPA + 11Then, you would substitute the CGPA value into this formula to find the equivalent percentage.
  2. Round to Nearest Full Integer: After computing the percentage using the formula, round it to the nearest full integer according to standard rounding rules.

GTU CGPA to percentage can be calculated using our tool above. However here’s the complete method to calculate it manually. To convert CGPA to percentage at Gujarat Technological University (GTU), you typically multiply your CGPA by a predetermined conversion factor. However, GTU doesn’t follow a standardized conversion formula like some other universities. Instead, they often provide a conversion factor specific to each academic year or program.

To calculate CGPA to percentage at GTU, you would need to refer to GTU’s official guidelines or academic regulations for the specific conversion factor applicable to your academic year or program. Once you have this conversion factor, you can multiply your CGPA by it to obtain the equivalent percentage.

To convert CGPA to percentage at Anna University, you can use the formula:

Equivalent Percentage (%) = CGPA * 10

This formula multiplies the CGPA by 10 to obtain the equivalent percentage. Once you have your CGPA, you can simply multiply it by 10 to find the corresponding percentage. This conversion method is commonly used at Anna University to provide a simple way to understand and compare academic performance in terms of percentages.

To convert CBSE CGPA to percentage, you can use the following method:

  1. Determine the Maximum CGPA: First, find out the maximum CGPA possible in the CBSE grading system. In most cases, this is 10.
  2. Calculate Percentage: To convert CGPA to percentage, multiply your CGPA by 9.5.Percentage (%) = CGPA * 9.5

For example, if a student’s CGPA is 8, then the equivalent percentage would be:

Percentage (%) = 8 * 9.5 = 76%

This method provides a standardized way to convert CBSE CGPA to percentage, allowing for easier comparison and understanding of academic performance.

To convert CGPA to percentage at Munger University, you typically multiply your CGPA by a predetermined conversion factor. You can use our tool above to calculate it.

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