CGPA to Percentage
Online CGPA to Percentage Calculator to Make your Calculations Easy.
CGPA to Percentage Calculator
CGPA to Percentage Converter
Now easily calculate CGPA to Percentage for all grading systems, 4.0, 5.0, and 10. This calculator is employed to convert CGPA to a percentage and enables one to understand academic performance easily.
To use this, you simply need to enter your CGPA and choose the relevant grading system of your institution. Now click the calculate percentage button to get your score in percentage according to your CGPA.
What is CGPA to Percentage?
CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) is a grading scheme that is used all over the world to calculate the overall academic performance of a candidate while percentage grades are a common method of weighing academic performance.
The CGPA score is changed into a corresponding percentage grade which is found on a defined scale in the process of moving from CGPA to percentage. This scale changes depending on the grading system followed by the institution.
Formula for Conversion
The formula that is used to convert CGPA to percentage depends on the grading system in place. However, a commonly used formula is
Percentage = (CGPA / Total CGPA) * 100
- Percentage is the equivalent grade
- CGPA is the Cumulative Grade Point Average.
- Total CGPA is the achievable CGPA possible in the grading scheme (usually 4.00, 5.00, or 10.00).
CGPA Grading Systems
The traditional 4.0 scale is widely used, some institutions may use different scales, such as a 5.0 scale or even a 10.0 scale. The conversion between these scales can vary, so it’s important to understand the specific scale used by your institution.
4 CGPA Grading System
A CGPA of 4.00 is the possible score in this system.
Example: The corresponding percentage grade is given in the following for a student with a CGPA of 3.50 in a scheme of 4 CGPA.
%age = (3.50 / 4.00) * 100 = 87.5%
5 CGPA Grading System
The maximum CGPA achievable in this system is 5.
Example: The corresponding percentage grade if a student gets a CGPA of 4.20 in a 5 CGPA scheme is
%age = (4.20 / 5.00) * 100 = 84.0%
10 CGPA Grading System
The possible CGPA that is achievable in this scheme is 10.
Example: If a student gets a CGPA of 8.75. The corresponding percentage grade is
%age = (8.75 / 10.00) * 100 = 87.5%
Wrap Up:
The conversion from CGPA to percentage allows us to describe academic performance across different grading systems. Students can accurately determine their percentage grades based on their CGPA scores by understanding the formula and grading schemes.