
Calculating GPA Online has never been easier

GPA Calculator

GPA Calculator

Grading System:

Calculate GPA Online

A GPA (Grade Point Average) calculator is a useful calculator that is used to calculate the average academic performance of a student based on the grades they have received in their courses. It helps students, educators, and institutions to assess and track academic progress over time.

For the 5.00 scale and 10.00 scale, similar calculations can be performed using the respective grade points assigned to each grade.

gpa calculator India

How to use this calculator?

Using the GPA calculator is very simple and easy.

  • Enter the number of courses or subjects.
  • For each course, input the grade received and the credit hours (or units) associated with it.
  • Click on the calculate button to get your GPA.

What is GPA?

GPA can be calculated on various scales including the 4.00, 5.00, and 10.00 scales. Here is a brief explanation of each.

4.00 Scale 

This is the most common GPA scale used in the United States and Canada. It ranges from 0.00 to 4.00, with 4.00 being the highest achievable GPA, representing an A grade in all courses.

5.00 Scale

This scale is often used in countries like India, Russia, and some European nations. It ranges from 0.00 to 5.00, with 5.00 representing the highest GPA achievable.

10.00 Scale 

This scale is used in some countries like Poland, Argentina, and Serbia. It ranges from 0.00 to 10.00, with 10.00 being the highest GPA achievable.

General Formula for GPA Calculation

The general formula to calculate GPA is

GPA = (Σ (Grade Points * Credit Hours)) / Total Credit Hours


Σ denotes the sum of

Grade Points are assigned based on the grading scale (e.g. 4.00 scale: A = 4.00 and B = 3.00, etc.)

Credit Hours represent the weight or value of each course

How to find GPA?

Let us consider a hypothetical scenario where a student has taken three courses with the following grades and credit hours.

Course 1: Grade A (4.00 scale), Credit Hours: 3

Course 2: Grade B (5.00 scale), Credit Hours: 4

Course 3: Grade C (10.00 scale), Credit Hours: 2


For the 4.00 scale

Grade A = 4.00 (Grade Points) * 3 (Credit Hours) = 12.00

Grade B = 3.00 * 4 = 12.00

Grade C = 2.00 * 2 = 4.00


Total Grade Points = 12.00 + 12.00 + 4.00 = 28.00

Total Credit Hours = 3 + 4 + 2 = 9

GPA = 28.00 / 9 = 3.11 (rounded to two decimal places)

Checkout our GPA to Percentage Converter